Phlits Site

Hello and Welcome to my new site! Finally it is back and clean for once with only the good stuff from me.

The 4 catagories that you have to choose from are:
    Phlit Music   - Find my newest music here with disc information and history of my music making
Phlit Art - This is where you can find various free graphics that I have made over time and would like to share with you
Links - Here is my favorite links to clean sites that I like going to everyonce in awhile or just plain like
 Me - Here you can find the general information about me like what I have done with computers, ect.

Most of this site was made by Phlit Productions, if you would like a free high quality site built for you, please send an e-mail to

I also make custom graphics for free, to see what I can do check out the "Phlit Art" section and then e-mail me. I will try to respond right away to any requests plus I have all the software for any graphics editing so if you have pre-made templates or graphics you want updated then there is a really good chance that I can open the old file.

My AIM Screen Name is Phlit98, IM me for pretty much anything.